Content Marketing Institute

Data from Content Marketing Institute’s 2017 Research Report

“Music is one, if not the most emotional of art forms. We are moved by it. Persuaded by it.
As Marketers, our ability to deliver more emotional interactive experiences will be the key in receiving insightful data from our customers.
“Music is one, if not the most emotional of art forms. We are moved by it. Persuaded by it.
As Marketers, our ability to deliver more emotional interactive experiences will be the key in receiving insightful data from our customers.
Music is one, if not the most emotional of art forms. We are moved by it. Persuaded by it.
As Marketers, our ability to deliver more emotional interactive experiences will be the key in receiving insightful data from our customers.

“Music is one of, if not the most emotional of art forms. We are moved by it. Persuaded by it.

As marketers, our ability to deliver more emotional interactive experiences will be the key in receiving insightful data from our customers.”

- Robert Rose, Chief Strategy Advisor, Content Marketing Institute

“Successful businesses are creating a connected network of highly specific interactive content brands/platforms that deliver value to audiences across their brand experience journey.”

- Robert Rose, Chief Strategy Advisor, Content Marketing Institute

What percentage of content marketers (who are using interactive content) plan to increase their use of it in the next 12 months?

What percentage of content marketers (who are using interactive content) plan to increase their use of it in the next 12 months?
What percentage of content marketers (who are using interactive content) plan to increase their use of it in the next 12 months?
What percentage of content marketers (who are using interactive content) plan to increase their use of it in the next 12 months?
What percentage of content marketers (who are using interactive content) plan to increase their use of it in the next 12 months?
What percentage of content marketers (who are using interactive content) plan to increase their use of it in the next 12 months?
What percentage of content marketers (who are using interactive content) plan to increase their use of it in the next 12 months?
79% of content marketers who are using interactive content plan to increase their use of it in the next 12 months?

Yes. Sing it!

79% of content marketers who are using interactive content plan to increase their use of it in the next 12 months.

79% of content marketers who are using interactive content plan to increase their use of it in the next 12 months.
79% of content marketers who are using interactive content plan to increase their use of it in the next 12 months?

No way, Beyoncé!

79% of content marketers who are using interactive content plan to increase their use of it in the next 12 months.

79% of content marketers who are using interactive content plan to increase their use of it in the next 12 months.
Rather than focusing on producing one more piece, or some tactical quantity of interactive content, businesses would be wise to focus on getting more deeply connected and developing a more interconnected platform of interactive content experiences.

“Rather than focusing on producing one more piece, or some tactical quantity of interactive content, businesses would be wise to focus on getting more deeply connected and developing a more interconnected platform of interactive content experiences.”

- Robert Rose, Chief Strategy Advisor, Content Marketing Institute

What percentage of marketers agree that interactive content grabs the attention of the reader more effectively than static content?

What percentage of marketers agree that interactive content grabs the attention of the reader more effectively than static content?
What percentage of marketers agree that interactive content grabs the attention of the reader more effectively than static content?
What percentage of marketers agree that interactive content grabs the attention of the reader more effectively than static content?
What percentage of marketers agree that interactive content grabs the attention of the reader more effectively than static content?
What percentage of marketers agree that interactive content grabs the attention of the reader more effectively than static content?
What percentage of marketers agree that interactive content grabs the attention of the reader more effectively than static content?
87% of marketers agree that interactive content grabs the attention of the reader more effectively than static content.

Yes! You are droppin’ it like it’s hot.

87% of marketers agree that interactive content grabs the attention of the reader more effectively than static content.

87% of marketers agree that interactive content grabs the attention of the reader more effectively than static content.
87% of marketers agree that interactive content grabs the attention of the reader more effectively than static content.

Whoops! (needle-scratch)

87% of marketers agree that interactive content grabs the attention of the reader more effectively than static content.

87% of marketers agree that interactive content grabs the attention of the reader more effectively than static content.

“As marketers, our ability to deliver more emotional interactive experiences will be key in receiving insightful data from our customers. ”

- Robert Rose, Chief Strategy Advisor, Content Marketing Institute
“As Marketers, our ability to deliver more emotional interactive experiences will be key in receiving insightful data from our customers.

What percentage of content marketers agree that combining traditional content marketing tactics with interactive content enhances retention of their organization’s message?

What percentage of content marketers agree that combining traditional content marketing tactics with interactive content enhances retention of their organization's message?
What percentage of content marketers agree that combining traditional content marketing tactics with interactive content enhances retention of their organization's message?
What percentage of content marketers agree that combining traditional content marketing tactics with interactive content enhances retention of their organization's message?
What percentage of content marketers agree that combining traditional content marketing tactics with interactive content enhances retention of their organization's message?
What percentage of content marketers agree that combining traditional content marketing tactics with interactive content enhances retention of their organization's message?
What percentage of content marketers agree that combining traditional content marketing tactics with interactive content enhances retention of their organization's message?
73% of content marketers agree that combining traditional content marketing tactics with interactive content enhances retention of their organization's message.

Yes, maestro!

73% of content marketers agree that combining traditional content marketing tactics with interactive content enhances retention of their organization’s message.

73% of content marketers agree that combining traditional content marketing tactics with interactive content enhances retention of their organization's message.
73% of content marketers agree that combining traditional content marketing tactics with interactive content enhances retention of their organization's message.


73% of content marketers agree that combining traditional content marketing tactics with interactive content enhances retention of their organization’s message.

73% of content marketers agree that combining traditional content marketing tactics with interactive content enhances retention of their organization's message.

The Symphony of Connected Interactive Content Marketing

What percentage of respondents agree that interactive content provides valuable ways to repurpose their organization’s passive content?

What percentage agrees that interactive content provides me with valuable ways to repurpose my organization's passive content?
What percentage agrees that interactive content provides me with valuable ways to repurpose my organization's passive content?
What percentage agrees that interactive content provides me with valuable ways to repurpose my organization's passive content?
What percentage agrees that interactive content provides me with valuable ways to repurpose my organization's passive content?
What percentage agrees that interactive content provides me with valuable ways to repurpose my organization's passive content?
What percentage agrees that interactive content provides me with valuable ways to repurpose my organization's passive content?
68% agree that interactive content provides me with valuable ways to repurpose my organization's passive content.

Wow, Grammy-winning!

68% of marketers agree that interactive content provides valuable ways to repurpose their organization’s passive content.

68% agree that interactive content provides me with valuable ways to repurpose my organization's passive content.

Umm… not your best performance.

68% of marketers agree that interactive content provides valuable ways to repurpose their organization’s passive content.

What is the #1 reason for using interactive content

What’s the #1 reason for using interactive content?





Lead Nurture

Lead Nurture

Sales Enablement

Sales Enablement

Educating the Audience

Educating the Audience

Brand Awareness

Brand Awareness

66% Engagement is the #1 reason for using interactive content

Pure Genius!

63% - Educating the audience is the #2 reason for using interactive content.

Engagement is the #1 reason for using interactive content.

63% - Educating the audience is the #2 reason for using interactive content.

Educating the audience is the #2 reason for using interactive content.

58% - Creating brand awareness is the #3 reason for using interactive content.

Creating brand awareness is the #3 reason for using interactive content.

66% Engagement is the #1 reason for using interactive content


63% - Educating the audience is the #2 reason for using interactive content.

Engagement is the #1 reason for using interactive content.

63% - Educating the audience is the #2 reason for using interactive content.

Educating the audience is the #2 reason for using interactive content.

58% - Creating brand awareness is the #3 reason for using interactive content.

Creating brand awareness is the #3 reason for using interactive content.

“if marketers spend time connecting a more holistic platform, rather than one-off, or ‘big bang’ projects, they will have more prolonged success.”

“If marketers spend time connecting a more holistic platform, rather than one-off, or ‘big bang’ projects, they will have more prolonged success.”

- Robert Rose, Chief Strategy Advisor, Content Marketing Institute

What percent of marketers agree that interactive content can have a reusable value resulting in repeat visitors and multiple exposures?

What percent of marketers agree that interactive content can have reusable value resulting in repeat visitors and multiple exposure?
What percent of marketers agree that interactive content can have reusable value resulting in repeat visitors and multiple exposure?
What percent of marketers agree that interactive content can have reusable value resulting in repeat visitors and multiple exposure?
What percent of marketers agree that interactive content can have reusable value resulting in repeat visitors and multiple exposure?
What percent of marketers agree that interactive content can have reusable value resulting in repeat visitors and multiple exposure?
What percent of marketers agree that interactive content can have reusable value resulting in repeat visitors and multiple exposure?
77% of marketers agree that interactive content can have reusable value resulting in repeat visitors and multiple exposure.

Yes! Keep on rockin’ it.

77% of marketers agree that interactive content can have a reusable value resulting in repeat visitors and multiple exposures.

77% of marketers agree that interactive content can have reusable value resulting in repeat visitors and multiple exposure.


77% of marketers agree that interactive content can have a reusable value resulting in repeat visitors and multiple exposures.

“Finding reusable content is the only way to scale. 77% of interactive content users agree that it can have reusable value.”

- Robert Rose, Chief Strategy Advisor, Content Marketing Institute
“Finding reusable content is the only way to scale. 77% of interactive content users agree that it can have reusable value. ”

What percent of marketers agree that non-gated interactive content can provide a “sample” of the brand, resulting in a higher degree of lead nurturing?

What percent of marketers agree that a non-gated interactive content can provide a  “sample” of the brand, resulting in a higher degree of lead nurturing?
What percent of marketers agree that a non-gated interactive content can provide a  “sample” of the brand, resulting in a higher degree of lead nurturing?
What percent of marketers agree that a non-gated interactive content can provide a  “sample” of the brand, resulting in a higher degree of lead nurturing?
What percent of marketers agree that a non-gated interactive content can provide a  “sample” of the brand, resulting in a higher degree of lead nurturing?
What percent of marketers agree that a non-gated interactive content can provide a  “sample” of the brand, resulting in a higher degree of lead nurturing?
What percent of marketers agree that a non-gated interactive content can provide a  “sample” of the brand, resulting in a higher degree of lead nurturing?
75% of marketers agree that non-gated interactive content can provide a “sample” of the brand, resulting in a higher degree of lead nurturing.

Yes! You are on fire!

75% of marketers agree that non-gated interactive content can provide a “sample” of the brand, resulting in a higher degree of lead nurturing.

75% of marketers agree that non-gated interactive content can provide a “sample” of the brand, resulting in a higher degree of lead nurturing.

Oh dear. You gotta get your groove back.

75% of marketers agree that non-gated interactive content can provide a “sample” of the brand, resulting in a higher degree of lead nurturing.

“Whether small, medium, or large, it is much more important to have an interconnected platform of data acquisition throughout the buyer’s journey than simply more content pieces thrown into the Web.”

- Robert Rose, Chief Strategy Advisor, Content Marketing Institute








What is the #1 most popular type of interactive content?









Interactive Lookbooks

Interactive Lookbooks

Interactive Lookbooks

Interactive Lookbooks

Interactive eBooks

Interactive eBooks


Interactive eBooks

Interactive Infographics

Interactive Infographics

Interactive Infographics

Interactive Infographics

Interactive White Papers

Interactive White Papers

Interactive White Papers

Interactive White Papers

Contest Interactive Content Templates


Contest Interactive Content


Games Interactive Content Templates












Polls & Surveys

Polls & Surveys

Polls & Surveys

Polls & Surveys





52% - Interactive Infographics are the #1 most popular type of Interactive content being used.

Yes! Now you’re jammin!

47% - Contests are the #2 most popular type of Interactive content being used.

Interactive Infographics are the #1 most popular type of interactive content.

47% - Contests are the #2 most popular type of Interactive content being used.

Contests are the 2nd most popular type of interactive content.

46% - Calculators are the #3 most popular type of Interactive content being used.

Calculators are the 3rd most popular type of interactive content.

52% - Interactive Infographics are the #1 most popular type of Interactive content being used.

Nice try, but…

47% - Contests are the #2 most popular type of Interactive content being used.

Interactive Infographics are the #1 most popular type of interactive content.

47% - Contests are the #2 most popular type of Interactive content being used.

Contests are the 2nd most popular type of Interactive content.

46% - Calculators are the #3 most popular type of Interactive content being used.

Calculators are the 3rd most popular type of interactive content.

What is the 3rd most motivating factor that encourages non-users to adopt interactive content?

A tambourine

A tambourine

Tools to shorten timeline

Tools to shorten timeline

A Karaoke bar

A Karaoke bar

45% of content marketers surveyed, answered: Tools to simplify the process

Whoop, whoop! Nicely done!

45% of content marketers surveyed, answered: Tools to shorten timelines.

45% of content marketers surveyed, answered: Tools to simplify the process
45% of content marketers surveyed, answered: Tools to simplify the process

Oh no! Someone just threw a tomato at the stage.

45% of content marketers surveyed, answered: Tools to shorten timelines.

45% of content marketers surveyed, answered: Tools to simplify the process

What is the 2nd most motivating factor that encourages non-users to adopt interactive content?

Those 5 hour energy drinks

Those 5 hour energy drinks

A pair of maracas

A pair of maracas

Tools to reduce cost

Tools to reduce cost

46% of content marketers surveyed, answered: Tools to reduce costs.

Bravo! Encore, encore!

46% of content marketers surveyed, answered: Tools to reduce costs.

46% of content marketers surveyed, answered: Tools to reduce costs.
46% of content marketers surveyed, answered: Tools to reduce costs.

So close! Don’t break up the band.

46% of content marketers surveyed, answered: Tools to reduce costs.

46% of content marketers surveyed, answered: Tools to reduce costs.

What is the #1 motivating factor that encourages non-users to adopt interactive content?

Tools to simplify the process

Tools to simplify the process

A sick beat

A sick beat

A strobe light and disco ball

A strobe light and disco ball

What is the <strong>#1 motivating factor</strong>&nbsp;that encourages non-users to use interactive content?
53% of content marketers surveyed, answered: Tools to simplify the process.

Stunning performance! (Drop the mic!)

53% of content marketers surveyed, answered: Tools to simplify the process.

53% of content marketers surveyed, answered: Tools to simplify the process.
53% of content marketers surveyed, answered: Tools to simplify the process.

Oh no! At least you gave it your best.

53% of content marketers surveyed, answered: Tools to simplify the process.

53% of content marketers surveyed, answered: Tools to simplify the process.

ion is the Interactive Content Platform

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