ion interactive - The Marketing Apps Company


By Marketers

ion interactive



Aligning Sales with the Interactive Journey

By marketers. For sales.

Marketers Produce Sell-Sides

When marketers rapidly produce engaging interactive content using the ion platform, they may optionally choose to create a sales-specific Sell-Side Experience to go along with the user experience. The Sell-Side Experiences they create give sales instant insight into the buyer. Marketers may add value to these sales-specific views with dynamic coaching to help salespeople have better, more relevent buyer conversations.

Sell-Side: Marketers Produce Sell-Sides
Sell-Side Two Sides of an Interactive Experience

Two Sides of an Interactive Experience

Using the same, familiar Creative Studio that they use to produce engaging user experiences, marketers and designers can optionally add relevant, dynamic sales coaching to Sell-Side Experiences.

A Sell-Side Experience can be one or many pages. It can be a simple results page or dynamically consultative. It’s all entirely up to the marketers running the ion platform.

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Providing Sell-Side Experiences

Once a marketer creates a Sell-Side Experience, it’s automatically added to the Sell-Side Timeline of any buyer that interacts. When sales looks at that buyer’s timeline — voila — they have a Sell-Side Experience illuminating their way. It really is that easy for marketing to fully align the interactive buyer’s journey with sales.

Sell-Side: Marketers Produce Sell-Sides
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